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BayLand was contracted to provide engineering analysis, design, permitting, and construction services for the comprehensive Cat Branch Stream Restoration, SWM Pond Retrofit and Outfall Retrofit project by Anne Arundel County DPW through the Magothy River SWM Pond and Outfall Retrofit Open-End Contract. The project provides impervious area treatment credit towards the County’s NPDES MS4 permit as well as sediment and nutrient removal credit towards the Chesapeake Bay TMDL. The site is located near the intersection of Cape St. Claire Road and College Parkway in Cape St. Claire, Maryland. 


The project reaches had been significantly influenced by historical channel alterations and increasing urbanization of the watershed which is approximately 285 acres with 24% impervious area. There was geomorphic evidence of active stream degradation and hydrologic evidence of floodplain disconnection. The design approach included 1,460 LF of Floodplain Restoration with Base-flow Channels to increase geomorphic and floodplain complexity, enhance denitrification, promote sediment and nutrient trapping, and encourage the establishment of wetlands and mature and natural floodplain plant communities. The proposed design involved raising the elevation of the incised stream bed and shallow groundwater in addition to Legacy Sediment Removal (LSR) to increase the volume of runoff diverted onto the floodplain during storm events. 2D hydraulic modeling was performed to verify channel and floodplain dimension stability by determining resistance to shear stress. Approximately 200 LF of stream valley and wetlands were also restored upstream of the project area without any construction disturbance using a clay groundwater dam that raised the upstream water table and restored wetland hydrology. Onsite trees were also utilized extensively in the restoration area to provide grade control. 


The project also included the installation a stormwater wetland downstream of two storm drain outfalls adjacent to the reach and an upstream infiltration BMP. The watershed wide approach maximized sediment and nutrient reduction to the headwaters of the Little Magothy River. The project also featured extensive re-planting with native species to improve habitat quality, quantity, and diversity. Overall, the project provides 65 acres of impervious area treatment and 621 pounds per year TN, 49 pounds per year TP, and 38 tons per year TSS removal. 


Permits were obtained from USACE, MDE, Anne Arundel Department of Inspections and Permits, and Anne Arundel Soil Conservation District. A DNR grant was awarded for construction, and construction was completed in October 2019. The project was awarded honorable mention for Best Stream Restoration by the Chesapeake Stormwater Network for the BUBBA and is currently part of a joint research project between the County and the University of Louisville.


Owner: Anne Arundel County, Department of Public Works

Engineer: BayLand

Contractor: Pay Dirt, LLC

Completed: 2019

Award: 2021 Honorable Mention Best Urban BMP in the Bay Award (BUBBA) by the Chesapeake Stormwater Network


BayLand Projects

The following is an alphabetical list of select BayLand projects. Click the photo for additional project details. For information on projects not listed, please contact our office.

Stormwater management at Annapolis Harbour Center in Anne Arundel County Maryland

Annapolis Harbour Center Pond Retrofit

Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works

Annapolis, Maryland

Benjamin's Bridge (Deer Creek) Canoe/Kayak Launch

Benjamin's Bridge (Deer Creek) Canoe-Kayak Launch

Harford County Department of Parks & Recreation

Street, Maryland

Cat Branch Stream Restoration & Sewer Line Protection

Cat Branch Stream Restoration & Sewer Line Protection

Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works

Annapolis, Maryland

Chesapeake Bay SAV Monitoring Program

Chesapeake Bay SAV Monitoring Program

Anne Arundel County DPW and Baltimore County DEPS


Columbia Association Watershed BMP Projects

Columbia Association Watershed BMP Projects

Columbia Association

Columbia, Maryland

Dennis Point Living Shoreline

Dennis Point Living Shoreline

Dennis Point Homeowners' Association

Shady Side, Maryland

Elvaton Road Culvert Replacement

Elvaton Road Culvert Replacement

Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works

Glen Burnie, Maryland

Essex Skypark Living Shoreline

Essex Skypark Living Shoreline

Baltimore County Department of Environmental Protection & Sustainability

Essex, Maryland

Flying Point Park Waterside Improvements

Flying Point Park Waterside Improvements

Harford County Department of Parks & Recreation

Edgewood, Maryland

Foster Branch Watershed Assessment, Sediment Abatement Study & SWAP

Foster Branch Watershed Assessment, Sediment Abatement Study & SWAP

Harford County Department of Public Works

Joppa, Maryland

Friends Park Pond Rehabilitation

Friends Park Pond Rehabilitation

Harford County Department of Public Works

Forest Hill, Maryland

Haines Branch Mitigation, Stream & Ecological Restoration

Haines Branch Mitigation, Stream & Ecological Restoration

Lehigh Cement Company, LLC

Frederick/Carroll Counties, Maryland

Haskell Drive Outfall Retrofit

Haskell Drive Outfall Retrofit

Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works

Arnold, Maryland

Isle of Wight SAV Transplant Monitoring

Isle of Wight SAV Transplant Monitoring

Seagrass Recovery, Inc.

Ocean City, Maryland

Lake Kittamaqundi Multiuse Trail

Lake Kittamaqundi Multiuse Trail

Columbia Association

Columbia, Maryland

Lake Sediment Management Plans

Lake Sediment Management Plans - Wilde Lake, Lake Kittamaqundi, and Lake Elkhorn

Columbia Association

Columbia, Maryland

Mill Creek Headwaters Restoration

Mill Creek Headwaters Restoration

Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works

Arnold, Maryland

Mulberry Road Storm Drain Improvements

Mulberry Road Storm Drain Improvements

Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works

Hanover, Maryland

North Branch of Cypress Creek Stream & Ecological Restoration

North Branch of Cypress Creek Stream & Ecological Restoration

Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works

Severna Park, Maryland

North Grays Bog Wetland Restoration

North Grays Bog Wetland Restoration

Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works

Pasadena, Maryland

Patapsco Untitled Tributary Watershed BMP Feasibility Study

​Patapsco Untitled Tributary Watershed BMP Feasibility Study

Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works


Peter Pan Run, Urbana Pond Retrofits - 15 Ponds

Peter Pan Run, Urbana Pond Retrofits - 15 Ponds

Frederick County Department of Public Works


Plumtree Run Watershed-BMP Assessment & SWAP

Plumtree Run Watershed-BMP Assessment & SWAP

Harford County Department of Public Works


Sawmill Creek Stream & Watershed Assessment

​Sawmill Creek Stream & Watershed Assessment

Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works

Glen Burnie, Maryland

Swam Harbor Farm Park

​Swam Harbor Farm Park

Harford County Department of Parks & Recreation

Havre de Grace, Maryland

Talbot County Boating Access Site Improvements

​Talbot County Boating Access Site Improvements

Talbot County Department of Public Works


Town of Vienna Riverwalk

​Town of Vienna Riverwalk

Town of Vienna

Vienna, Maryland

Upper Zekiah Swamp Watershed MS4 Retrofit Investigation

Upper Zekiah Swamp Watershed MS4 Retrofit Investigation

Charles County Department of Public Works


Watts Branch Watershed Assessment

Watts Branch Watershed Assessment

City of Rockville Department of Public Works

Rockville, Maryland

Wheel Creek Watershed Assessment, Stream Restoration & SWM Retrofit

​Wheel Creek Watershed Assessment, Stream Restoration & SWM Retrofit

Harford County Department of Public Works


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