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Engineering News Record (ENR) MidAtlantic 2023 Best Projects - Best Water/Environment Project for Fort Smallwood Park Shoreline Stabilization.

Fort Smallwood Park Shoreline Stabilization in Anne Arundel County Maryland
Beachgoers at Fort Smallwood Park Shoreline Stabilization in Anne Arundel County Maryland
Fort Smallwood Park Shoreline Stabilization in Anne Arundel County Maryland
Lower Mill Creek Stream Restoration project in Anne Arundel County Maryland
Lower Mill Creek Stream Restoration project in Anne Arundel County Maryland
Millrace Dry Pond Retrofit project in Millersville Anne Arundel County Maryland
Award presentation for CEAM Award of Merit for the Forked Creek Outfall Retrofit project in Anne Arundel County Maryland
After restoration at Forked Creek Outfall Retrofit proejct in Anne Arundel County Maryland
Sewer crossing at Cat Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration project in Anne Arundel County Maryland
Post restoration at Cat Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration project in Anne Arundel County Maryland
Weir at North Branch of Cypress Creek Stream and Ecological Restoration project in Severna Park Anne Arundel County Maryland
Anastomosed channel at North Branch of Cypress Creek Stream and Ecological Restoration project in Severna Park Anne Arundel County Maryland
Award presentation to Clark Nexsen and BayLand at ACEC for Colley Bay Living Shoreline project in Norfolk Virginia
Colley Bay Living Shoreline project in Norfolk Virginia
North shore plan for Colley Bay Living Shoreline project in Norfolk Virginia
Colley Bay Living Shoreline project in Norfolk Virginia

Maryland Quality Initiative (MdQI) Project of the Year under $5 Million and Award of Excellence for the Jack Creek Park Shoreline Protection project.

Cat Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration project in Anne Arundel County Maryland

Best Urban BMP in the Bay Award (BUBBA) by the Chesapeake Stormwater Network - 1st Place for Best Stream Restoration for Lower Mill Creek Stream Restoration.


National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Parks and Recreation Award for the Millrace Dry Pond Retofit project.

Millrace Dry Pond Retrofit project in Millersville Anne Arundel County Maryland


County Engineers Association of Maryland (CEAM) Award of Merit - Medium Project (2nd Place) for the Forked Creek Outfall Retrofit project.

Before restoration at Forked Creek Outfall Retrofit project site in Anne Arundel County Maryland


Honorable Mention Best Urban BMP in the Bay Award (BUBBA) by the Chesapeake Stormwater Network for the Cat Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration project.

Post restoration at Cat Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration project in Anne Arundel County Maryland


Maryland Quality Initiative (MdQI) Award of Excellence and Project of the Year under %5 Million for the Jack Creek Park Shoreline Protection project.



County Engineers Association of Maryland (CEAM) Project of the Year Award for the Jack Creek Park Shoreline Protection project.



First Place Best Urban BMP in the Bay Award (BUBBA) by the Chesapeake Stormwater Network for North Branch of Cypress Creek Stream and Ecological Restoration.

Wetland at North Branch of Cypress Creek Stream and Ecological Restoration project in Severna Park Anne Arundel County Maryland


Honor Award in the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Virginia Engineering Excellence Awards competition for the Colley Bay Living Shoreline project.

Volunteers planting at Colley Bay Living Shoreline project site in Norfolk Virginia


American Public Works Association (APWA) Mid-Atlantic Honorable Mention - Environmental Under $5 Million for the Colley Bay Living Shoreline project.

Colley Bay Living Shoreline project in Norfolk Virginia
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