Church Creek Dredging
Anne Arundel County, MD
Public Notice
August 15 to September 15, 2024
Notice of Application for State Wetland Licenses, Private Wetland Permits, Nontidal Wetlands and Waterways Permits and/or Water Quality Certification and the Opportunity to Provide Written Comment or Request an Informational Hearing
The Water and Science Administration is reviewing the following applications for State Wetland Licenses, Private Wetland Permits, Nontidal Wetlands and Waterways Permits and/or Water Quality Certifications. The applications and related information are on file at the Administration. Arrangements may be made for inspection and copying of file materials. Interested parties may provide written comments on the application or request an informational hearing on any listed application. A request for a hearing must be in writing and provide the following information: 1) Name, Address, and Telephone Number of the person making the request; 2) The identity of any other person(s) the requestor is representing; and 3) the specific issues proposed to be considered at the hearing. Please refer to the case number (i.e., 00-NT-0000, 00-WL-000, 00-WP-000, 00-WQC-0000) which identifies each application. Address correspondence to the attention of the Administration contact contained in the project’s public notice. If none is listed, send correspondence to the Wetlands and Waterways Program, Water and Science Administration, 1800 Washington Boulevard Baltimore, Maryland, 21230. For questions regarding any public notice, you can contact the Wetlands and Waterways Program by Telephone; (410) 537-3751. Written comments or requests for a hearing must be received on or before September 1, 2024, unless otherwise noted in the Public Notice.
24-WL-0054/202460070 Anne Arundel County Dept of Public Works, 2662 Riva Road, Annapolis, MD 21401 proposes to mechanically maintenance dredge the Church Creek main channel broken into 6 segments: Segment A is a 390-foot long by 40-foot wide channel to the 6.5-foot depth at mean low water; Segment B is a 130-foot long by 40-foot wide channel to the 5.5-foot depth at mean low water; Segment C is a 605-foot long by 30 to 40-foot wide channel to the 4.5-foot depth at mean low water; Segment D is a 275-foot long by 30-foot wide channel to the 4-foot depth at mean low water; Segment E is a 280-foot long by 30-foot wide channel to the 5.5-foot depth at mean low water; and Segment F is a 200-foot long by 30-foot wide channel to the 4-foot depth at mean low water. This project also includes maintenance dredging of six spur channels (24-WL-0160, 24-WL-0161, 24-WL-0162, 24-WL-0163, 24-GL-0164, and 24-WL-0165) for a total of 113,492 square feet and of various lengths, widths, and depths to match the main channel segment to which they are attached; and authorization to replace in-kind two mooring piles associated with 24-GL-0164. To deposit the approximately 3652 cubic yards of dredged material at one of the County approved upland dredged material disposal sites: South County, Idlewild, or Rock Creek; and to periodically maintenance dredge for six years. The purpose of the project is to maintain navigable access via maintenance dredging. The proposed project is located within the tidal waters of the main channel of Church Creek off Wilelinor Drive near Annapolis in Anne Arundel County. For more information, please contact Melissa McCanna at Melissa.mccanna@maryland.gov or at 410-537-4053.